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Reduce Your Workload with an MTD Ride on Mower

Time seems to be racing by this year, and sometimes it feels a little hard to catch a breath. If you have a large section or a lifestyle block, there is an opportunity to do just that which you may not have thought of. Lawn mowing as a leisure activity? What! Hold onto your hat, your sunscreen, your sunglasses - and wait for it - your over-ear headphones. Although it may not have crossed your mind, zipping around the lawn on a ride-on mower could be just the moment to yourself you have been craving. Self-care Saturday? STIHL Shop Mt Maunganui may just have you covered.

MTD Ride on Mowers

MTD Ride on Mowers has a number of great models available through STIHL Shop Mt Maunganui. One of the excellent choices in the MTD range is the 439cc, which is available from this company out of the States that has been supplying outdoor power equipment for almost a century. If you are looking for a ride-on mower with a 6-speed cruiseamatic control (who isn’t, right?) to take care of your yard, this zippy little number comes in fire engine red and has a double blade and an 18-inch turning radius - plus it looks cute.

Matching Outfits

Picture this, you are getting ready to mow your lawn, you have on your red Merry People tapered gumboots, your outfit matches your MTD ride on mower, and you have your tunes all lined up. You hop on board the MTD mower that the friendly team at STIHL Shop Mt Maunganui has set you up with, and it’s time to kick back and slice some grass. Pop your headphones on, start her up, and it’s time to ride. You are in cruisematic control, and you are now also able to belt out some Britney at the top of your lungs - no one can hear you!

Spring Fling

Spring is definitely in the air down at STIHL Shop Mt Maunganui. Locals are heading down in droves to update their ride-on mowers and other essential outdoor equipment. It’s time to celebrate you as the weather starts to produce those golden afternoons that herald the coming warmth.

Check out the MTD Ride-On Mower range at STIHL Shop and take a trip to you on a Steel Chassis with a Manual Lever Clutch and a 2 Year Warranty; MTD - it’s the new me time.

MTD ride on mower
August 16, 2022
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